Christmas Gift Section
25th December 2015 • The Wizarding World's Beguiling Broadsheet of Choice • 5 κ
By Janet Hipkiss - Chief Elf
We have lots of free presents for you courtesy of the many Elfs who have worked tirelessly to provide you with lots of goodies to help you over this festive time! We have Books of all sorts.
Many thanks and a Merry Christmas!
Free Recipe eCookbooks
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eCookbooks is the ultimate resource for cooking. Each eCookbook includes
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Free Craft eBooks
Free craft eBooks are the ultimate resource for
crafting. Each eBook includes a collection of free craft projects
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Free Sewing eBooks
Free sewing eBooks are the ultimate resource for
sewers and sewing enthusiasts. Each eBook includes a collection of free
sewing projects and pattern organized around a theme, such as holidays,
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out each book for on-hand reference while sewing. On this page, find our
most recently published eBooks.
Harry Potter's first time at the Weasley's home
Ministry of Magic - Warning
It is an offence to sell, hire or loan Magic Knitting needles to Muggles! This is punishable by five years in Azkaban! You have been warned!!!
They will have to make do with a knitting machine..... Whatever that is!!?
Free Books
Project Gutenberg
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Free Music
Free Music Archive The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet. It was launched in 2009.
FreeAllMusic is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for downloading the albums, songs you love for free. FreeAllMusic helps music lovers discover new music, revisit the classics and downloads their favorite albums, songs directly on our site
For Harry Potter Fans
those of you who are saddened that Miss
J. K.
Rowling is not writing any more Harry Potter books, may
I be so
bold as to suggest Mr G. Norman Lippert, who
has written a couple of
books based on Harry Potter's
eldest son James.
These books are available for download in pdf format.
There are three Harry Potter related short stories available on this link.
This a link to Mr G. Norman Lippert's home page where amongst other things you will be able to download the James Potter stories in other languages.
Free Software
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Christmas software at Free Downloads Center:
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In this issue