Christmas Party Games
25th December 2015 • The Wizarding World's Beguiling Broadsheet of Choice • 5 κ
By Janet Hipkiss - Chief Elf
If you want Party Games that are suitable for Children, click the link below.
List of Party Games
Box Game
Race to open a gift wrapped in several layers while wearing oven mitts, a hat and scarf.
You will need a wrapped gift, oven mitts, hat, scarf and dice.
Flour Tag Game
A fun tag game where you get tagged with flour filled nylon sacks
You need Dark shirts (buy some cheap t-shirts) and Flour filled Nylon stockings
Whistling Lap Bluff Game
While blindfolded, identify the person in whose lap you are sitting only through whistling (or if they can’t whistle, they have to grunt)
A volunteer is blindfolded and stands in the center of a seated circle while the players change seats. The volunteer now sits on any player's lap. No words are spoken. Then the person on whose lap they sit must whistle a tune. He/she must guess whose lap he is sitting on. If he's correct, the two change places. If not then they must move to another lap and try again.
Granny Grunt Game
Guess who the granny is by how they grunt. You need a blindfold and broomstick.
All players stand in a circle except for "it". Choose one person to be "it" who is blindfolded and stands in the middle of the circle with a broom in hand. "It" tells all the players move, then tells them to stop. Then "it" spins around and sticks his/her broom handle out. The person nearest grabs it and "it" says "granny grunt". The person grunts and whoever is "it" tries to guess who the granny is. If the guess is correct, that person now becomes it in the middle.
Water Balloon Toss Game
Pair off players into groups of two and have them face their partner about 3 feet apart. Begin tossing balloons to each other. Every time the balloon is caught the player that caught the balloon takes a step back. Eventually someone is going to get wet! You win by being the furthest apart while still successfully catching the water balloon.

Pinata Party Game
A Piñata is made of papier-mâché to form the shape of popular and traditional characters depending on your party's theme and is then filled with sweets and small toys.
Balloon Race Game
Divide children into two or more teams. Team members stand one behind the other and each leader is given a balloon. The balloon is passed down the line by going over the leader's head to the next child who passes it through their legs to the next one who in turn passes it over their head. When it reaches the last child he/she runs around to the front and starts it off again. The game continues until the team leader ends up back at the front and the first team to finish is the winner.
Break the Eggs Game
You need two eggs for every player All are hard boiled except for one . A plastic table cloth or sheet along with paper towels or wipes would also be a good idea.
Place a bowl of eggs on the table. All of them are hardboiled except for one. Each player takes a turn taking an egg and breaking them in one smashing motion on their foreheads. They must take whichever egg they first touch. Hope that you don't get the one that is raw!
Hunt the Prize Game
A treasure hunt activity
Hide some small prize or sweets in the party room (or better still if the weather is good, hide them in the garden)before the children arrive. Whenever you decide during the party the children are allowed search the room or garden for the prize. You can give them hints by telling anyone who is close that they are hot while someone who is looking in the wrong place is cold! Whoever finds it keeps the prize
Evil Kinevil Beer Game
Here are instructions to the Evil Kinevil
*You need beer, a quarter, one large glass,
several small glasses, a long table, an empty
12-pack box, and some extremely ugly sunglasses.
-First fill the large glass, and all of the
small glasses with your favorite brew. Then put
the large glass at one end of the table, and
place the small glasses in a single file line
right after the large glass.
-Pick someone to be Evil Kinevil. Before Evil
attempts his death-defying stunt, he will need
safety equipment. The empty 12-pack will suffice
for a helmet, and the sunglasses make great
safety goggles.
Act it Out Game
Silly scenes acted out by participants who have no idea what they are acting out.
Four people are chosen for the round and three of the four are taken out of the room. The one that remains is told to mime one of the following (or one of your own ideas) in approximately 20 seconds:
1. Changing the diapers of twins
2. Bathing an elephant
3. Jumping from a large tower into a huge bowl
of Jello
Balloon Battle Game
Be the last not to let your balloon get burst.
You require enough balloons and string for each person. Divide the group into two teams. Tie the balloons to everyone's ankles. Say "go" and watch the teams trying to burst the other team's balloons first. The team with the last balloon wins. As your balloon is burst you withdraw from the game
Wooden Spoons Game
Guess someone’s identity by feeling them with wooden spoons.
One of the guests is blindfolded, and sits
upon a chair. He or she is then given two large
wooden spoons, such as in common use in every
kitchen for stirring puddings, cakes, and so on.
One after another, the other boys and girls come
up to the blindfolded sitter and stand or kneel
before him/her, and he/she has to guess who each
one is by simply feeling him or her with the
wooden spoons.
Left and Right Game
You will require 3 marbles and 3 coins for
each team for this game. As well, it's best
played having a referee.
Participants split into two groups (if there's
an extra person he/she can be the referee)
Both team's players sit side by side in a row
(on contrary sides of the area and dealing with
each other is best)
on the left hand end (left hand to the players)
of each team place a bowl with 3 marbles in it,
at the right hand end place a bowl with 3 coins
in it
The referee alerts for the game to begin
Spider Game
Lazy Tennis Game
Cord, 2 chairs and also a balloon are needed for this game. It may be helpful to have a judge for your game.
- Start by setting up the place to play. Clear a big area and in the centre make the centre net. Do that by tying a length of cord, about a foot off the floor, to 2 chairs, and so separating the playing area in half.
- Write each player's name on a slip of paper, put all the names in a box and draw out 2 at a time to choose who will play one another.
In this issue