Ministry of Magic - Crystal Balls and Magic Mirrors.
25th December 2015 • The Wizarding World's Beguiling Broadsheet of Choice • 5 κ
By Janet Hipkiss - Chief Elf
This is how Santa Claus finds out if you've been Naughty or Nice!
A Celtic Origin
The origin of the crystal
ball takes place in britain, 2000 BC. At that time,
celtic tribes were unified by Druids. Druids were
polytheist and revered nature. They had a very
important role in these ancient celtic societies, as
they were both priests, philosophers, scientists,
teachers, judges and counsellors to the kings.
Druids may have been the first people to use
crystals in divination.
Magic Mirror - Amsterdam

The History of Magic Mirrors
Since ancient times, mirrors — as well as all smooth, reflective surfaces — have been used for divination, magic, and repelling evil; they also have been greatly feared for their power to steal the soul. In recent times, mirrors have been used as tools in psychic development to increase clairvoyance and gain knowledge of so-called past lives.
Divination with mirrors is called Crystalomancy, Catoptromancy, and Scrying. In the West, magic mirrors were particularly popular from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century. They were use by all classes of society, but especially by magicians, witches, sorcerers, and cunning men and women.
Hermione and Prof Trelawney
Ministry of Magic - Warning!
It has been brought to our attention that some of our young Witches and Wizards have been using their talents in scrying to find out the questions and answers for the OWLs examinations! Our suspicions were aroused when we noticed nearly everybody in Fred and George Weasleys class got 100% in all their exams! In fact, the only two not to get 100%, were Fred and George, for which they are highly commended. However, we have noticed how wealthy the two young Weasleys have become!
Anyone found using scrying to cheat in their exams will be expelled from Hogwarts forthwith!
You have been warned!!!
Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
Port of Los Angeles
Red River, NM
Tower Bridge
This is near the Ministry of Magic!
Key West Seaport
In this issue